Oberwolfach Reports - OWR
Since 2004, the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO) publishes official reports of every Workshop, Mini-Workshop and Arbeitsgemeinschaft containing extended abstracts of one up to three pages, including references, of the given talks. These "Oberwolfach Reports" (OWR) are published in succession of the former "Tagungsberichte" which are freely available via the Oberwolfach Digital Archive. The aim is to report periodically upon the state of mathematical research, and to make these reports available to the mathematical community.
Where to find them
According to the Institute's open access policy, the reports of all Workshops, Mini-Workshops and Arbeitsgemeinschaften are freely available via the individual webpages of activities which can be found in the overview of activities. First navigate to the list of meetings of the corresponding year, then browse through the titles and click on the link.
The MFO quarterly publishes the collected reports electronically as well as hard cover book series "Oberwolfach Reports" (OWR, ISSN 1660-8933) in cooperation with the European Mathematical Society. Interested libraries or institutes can subscribe to OWR on a non-profit basis. In case that your library is interested in an exchange arrangement, please do not hesitate to contact our librarian. Zentralblatt MATH and Mathematical Reviews will regularly receive a copy of OWR.
As a sample copy, Issue 1 of Volume 1 (2004) is freely available as a pdf file. The electronic version with full search facilities will be available for each subscriber on the website of the EMS Press.
As official documents, the OWR will be quotable and it will be possible to refer to results, open problems, and new developments in a particular field of mathematics represented in an Oberwolfach Workshop. Moreover, these reports will be used to satisfyingly prove the scientific activities at our Institute.
Information for participants and organizers
Oberwolfach leaves the copyright of the extended abstracts to the authors. Thus, the reports will not affect any further publications of the results by the authors in any form. However, the MFO holds the copyright on OWR as a whole and has the right of publication and distribution, either in printed form or electronically.
The extended abstracts should keep an informal style and reflect eventually the provisional status of the presented results. We encourage also to include open questions and conjectures in order to promote new research problems. The added references should provide the necessary background and point to related papers.
The organizers point out a reporter (Berichterstatter) and ask the speakers to send an abstract of their talks as a Latex document by email to the reporter within four weeks upon completion of the workshop. This can also be taken into consideration when submitting a proposal for a talk, such that the additional work for the speakers after the Workshop will be minimized.
It is also possible that the organizers include a small section in the report on special activities like a discussion session or a session of short talks. As a rule, abstracts or research reports from participants which did not give a talk, are not included.
We should like to ask the organizers, the reporter and the authors (i.e. the Workshop speakers) to take a look at our guidelines concerning the format and the editing process of OWR. We strongly urge the reporter and the authors to use our latex template for OWR. In case of further questions do not hesitate to contact us at reports@mfo.de.