Open Access
The MFO supports open access to quality-assured research results. As a publicly funded research organization we are conscious about our particular responsibility to society to make research results accessible to the public. In line with the Open Access Policy of the Leibniz Association our aims are to enhance the efficiency of international and interdisciplinary cooperation, to help accelerate research innovations and to increase transparency and verifiability.
Whereas the Leibniz Association as a whole is actively involved in initiatives driving the further development of open access on a national and international level, our institute-specific measures focus on the active implementation of open access to our own publication series and on information and advice for our longterm research guests. Research results obtained, inspired and influenced by our intense week-long programs are typically published from the home institutions of scientists quite some time after they have left the MFO.
Publications of the MFO
The MFO makes its outcomes accessible to the public. For this purpose we run four publication series. Three of them, containing cutting-edge results presented or developed at research meetings or longterm research stays at the institute, are based on the open access concept and are freely available on the web.
- Oberwolfach Reports (OWR) contain extended abstracts of all talks given at Oberwolfach Workshops, Mini-Workshops and Arbeitsgemeinschaften. They are published as quarterly book issues in cooperation with EMS Press and are freely available under a Creative Commons License.
- Oberwolfach Preprints (OWP) mainly contain research results related to a longer stay in Oberwolfach. They are freely available at our publication server.
- Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach explain mathematical problems and ideas of present relevance in an accessible and understandable way for an interested public. They are written by participants of the scientific program at the MFO and published freely available under a Creative Commons License at our publication server and on
The fourth publication series contains lecture notes of the Oberwolfach Seminars (OWS), our training seminars for graduate students, PhD students and Postdocs, published in the Birkhäuser program of Springer Basel. The books are offered at a reasonable prize. The organizers as well as the participants of a seminar receive free copies of the respective volume.
Author Rights and Secondary Publications
The MFO leaves the full copyright of contributions to its publication series OWR, OWP and Snapshots to the authors. Thus a contribution will not affect any further publication of the results by the authors in any form.
Support, Information and Advise by the Oberwolfach Library
The Oberwolfach Library supports and advises participants in the MFO longterm programs on open access publishing. On the webpage of the library we provide further information on ongoing developments and already existing agreements with publishers as well as links to open access directories and information platforms.