
Newsletter 2024-II

The newsletter will inform you on the latest news and activities of the MFO, in particular with regard to open calls and upcoming scientific events at the Institute.

8th MaRDI-Newsletter: Toolbox for Math Researchers

Rock-paper-scissors, or pen-paper-compass ... What (else) does a researcher need? In the spring issue of the MaRDI Newsletter, you may follow the evolution of scientific tools that have changed the practice of research.

Leibniz Senate confirms excellence of MFO

The MFO once again received an excellent rating by the Senate of the Leibniz Association in the regular evaluation process. In its statement of March 19, 2024, the Senate recommends to continue the joint funding of the institute by the federal and state governments.

Reading recommendation from the Snapshots editorial team

"How can we fairly divide a necklace with various types of beads? We use this problem as a motivating example to explain how geometry naturally appears in solutions of non-geometric problems. The strategy we develop to solve this problem has been used in several other contexts." Read more in the snapshot "The Geometry of Fair Division" by Florian Frick...

Newsletter 2024-I

The newsletter will inform you on the latest news and activities of the MFO, in particular with regard to open calls and upcoming scientific events at the Institute.

Happy Birthday, Snapshots!

Ten years ago the MFO published the first “Snapshot of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach”. Since then, almost 130 articles from various fields of mathematics have been added and more are to follow. We would like to thank all authors and editors who contributed to the series and helped to make mathematical research more accessible to an interested public!

Seminars for early career mathematicians in 2024

Ph.D. students and postdocs are invited to apply for the "Oberwolfach Seminars" in 2024. The seminars are organized by leading experts in the field, and address to promising early career researchers from all over the world. The aim is to introduce the participants to a particular interesting development.

Hannah Markwig is new head of the Friends of Oberwolfach

In its recent annual meeting the "Verein zur Förderung des Mathematischen Forschungsinstituts Oberwolfach" (Förderverein, Friends of Oberwolfach) has elected Hannah Markwig (Tübingen University) as the new head of the association. We are very grateful for her engagement in the support of the MFO! We would also like to thank her predecessor in this position, Ursula Gather, for her many years of commitment.

Oberwolfach Seminars vol. 51 and 52 published

The two books present the lecture notes of the Oberwolfach Seminars on "Interfaces: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics" (vol. 51) and "Tropical and Logarithmic Methods in Enumerative Geometry" (vol. 52) given in fall 2021 and 2022.