Carla Cederbaum wins Media Prize of the German Mathematical Society
The Media Prize of the DMV recognizes outstanding achievements in the communication and popularization of mathematics. It comes with an award of € 5,000.
Carla Cederbaum coordinated the snapshots project of the MFO as senior-editor from its very beginning in 2013 until 2019 and supported the project even longer as an advisor. During this time, more than 90 short articles from researchers in various fields of mathematics have been published. The core idea is that each one provides a glimpse into modern mathematical research by explaining one particular idea or problem in an accessible and understandable way.
Since March 2019, Carla Cederbaum has been Professor of Differential Geometry and Mathematical Relativity at the University of Tübingen. In addition to her research in these fields, she continued to engage in the communication and popularization of mathematics. Further projects include the educational game "Ganita", workshops and courses for the interested public, teacher trainees and refugees as well as several popular science books.
MFO congratulates Carla Cederbaum on winning this year's Media Prize of the DMV!
Further information: original press release of the German Mathematical Society (in German)