Hannah Markwig is new head of the Friends of Oberwolfach
In its recent annual meeting the "Verein zur Förderung des Mathematischen Forschungsinstituts Oberwolfach" (Förderverein, Friends of Oberwolfach) has elected Hannah Markwig (Tübingen University) as the new head of the association. We are very grateful for her engagement in the support of the MFO! We would also like to thank her predecessor in this position, Ursula Gather, for her many years of commitment.
Hannah Markwig
The Friends of Oberwolfach have been founded in February 1992 as a non-profit association with founding chairman Reinhold Remmert. The purpose of the association is the promotion of science and research in the field of mathematics through the acquisition and provision of funds for MFO.
Traditionally the Förderverein supports three main areas:
- support for the maintenance of the buildings,
- support for the library to keep it at its current level as one of the best mathematics libraries in the world,
- and travel support for participants of meetings in exceptional cases.
This way mathematicians directly profit from the money collected by the association.