Call for Applications: Proposals invited for Tandem-Workshop 2025 at MFO and RIMS

The Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach (MFO), Germany and the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University, Japan invite proposals for a Tandem-Workshop taking place simultaneously in a hybrid format at MFO and RIMS in the week 17-21 February 2025.

The workshop with 15-25 participants at RIMS and 14-16 participants at MFO (figures including organizers) is held in both locations such that the participants in each place can interact in the usual intense way locally and in addition share a certain number of joint lectures/discussions via zoom (for example Oberwolfach 8:30-11:30 am could match up with RIMS at 4:30-7:30 pm).

Invitations of their suggested participants will be sent out by each center with their own standard procedure (in particular, arrival at MFO is on Sunday afternoon, 16 February, and departure on Friday afternoon, 21 February 2025). Emphasis is on on-site participation at the centers, online participation is reserved to justified exceptions. Talks which are given outside this time slot can be temporarily recorded via zoom such they are also available to the participants at the other institute.

Applications should come with a team of 2 organizers present in person at each center and should contain:

  • Title of the suggested Tandem-Workshop.
  • Description of the topic and focus of workshop, recent results, references (4-6 pages).
  • The proposed provisional program of the Tandem-Workshop taking into account the different time zones.
  • Two lists of suggested participants (14-16 at MFO, 15-25 at RIMS) with names,
    gender info and affiliation (please consider diversity issues of each center).
  • Scientific cv of the organizers.

Please send proposals (preferably in one pdf-file) by email  prior to the deadline 1 September 2024 preferably to both of the directors of MFO and RIMS:

Prof. Koji Ohkitani
Director RIMS

Prof. Gerhard Huisken
Director MFO