Newsletter 2024-II

The newsletter will inform you on the latest news and activities of the MFO, in particular with regard to open calls and upcoming scientific events at the Institute.

Open Calls for Applications to Participation

Open Calls for Proposals

Further News

Open Calls for Applications to Participation

Oberwolfach Seminars in 2024

poster-seminare-2024.pngPh.D. students and postdocs are invited to apply for the Oberwolfach Seminars in 2024. The seminars are organized by leading experts in the field, and address to promising early career researchers from all over the world. The aim is to introduce the participants to a particular interesting development. The Institute covers board and lodging. By the support of the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation, travel expenses can be reimbursed up to 150 EUR in average per person (against copies of travel receipts). The number of participants is restricted to 25.

Four seminars in fall 2024 are still open for application:

Metric Topology of Aspherical Spaces
Organizers: Clara Löh, Regensburg
Roman Sauer, Karlsruhe
Date (ID): 20 – 25 October 2024 (2443a)
Deadline for application: 15 July 2024

Reduction of Arithmetic Varieties
Organizers: Thomas J. Haines, College Park
Timo Richarz, Darmstadt
Eva Viehmann, Münster
Torsten Wedhorn, Darmstadt
Date (ID): 20 – 25 October 2024 (2443b)
Deadline for application: 15 July 2024

Exponential Motives
Organizers: Javier Fresán, Palaiseau
Peter Jossen, London
Date (ID): 24 – 29 November 2024 (2448a)
Deadline for application: 1 September 2024

Control and Machine Learning
Organizers: Borjan Geshkovski, Cambridge
Domènec Ruiz-Balet, London
Enrique Zuazua, Erlangen
Date (ID): 24 – 29 November 2024 (2448b)
Deadline for application: 1 September 2024

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Banach Center - Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar 2024

There will be a Banach Center - Oberwolfach Graduate Seminar addressing to Ph.D. students and postdocs in fall 2024:

Black Holes and Conformal Infinities 
Maciej Dunajski, Cambridge UK
Wojciech Kaminski, Erlangen
Jerzy Lewandowski, Warsaw
Date (ID): 13 - 19 October 2024
Deadline for application: 31 July 2024

More information on the venue (Bedlewo), date, program and link to apply is available at

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Oberwolfach Research Fellows

Small groups of researchers who want to come for a more extended period to Oberwolfach to carry out joint research in the stimulating atmosphere of the MFO can apply as Oberwolfach Research Fellow (OWRF). For fresh post-docs, it is additionally possible to apply for a Leibniz Fellowship in order to become an Oberwolfach Leibniz Fellow (OWLF). Within OWLF applications as a single researcher are also possible. Projects from all areas of mathematics can be supported by these programs, in particular, interdisciplinary research and cooperation is encouraged.

In view of the good audio-video facilities at the MFO, there is an option to apply for an OWRF research stay which includes a hybrid cooperation with a parallel research group at another place in the world. This can be a university or another research institute with a substantial distance to the MFO, usually outside Europe. It is up to the applicants to arrange such a cooperation with the other university or institute and to submit an additional application there if necessary.

All information about the programs and the different options can be viewed on our webpage on longer-term research stays.

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Open Calls for Proposals

Oberwolfach Workshops 2026

The deadline for proposals of Oberwolfach Workshops in 2026 is 31 July 2024. The decision on the proposals by the Oberwolfach Scientific Committee is scheduled to the end of October 2024. See also the description of the program and our guidelines for proposals of an Oberwolfach Workshop.

Applications should be sent as pdf-files to the Director Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken, via

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Oberwolfach Mini-Workshops 2025

The fixed weeks and deadlines to apply for an Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop in 2025 are

Dates of Mini-Workshops Deadlines for proposals
16 Feb - 21 Feb 2025 1 September 2024
2 Mar - 7 Mar 2025 1 September 2024
26 Oct - 31 Oct 2025 1 April 2025
7 Dec - 12 Dec 2025 1 April 2025

For each of these weeks the decision about the Mini-Workshops takes place about 3 weeks after the corresponding deadline for application, which is about half a year before the week of the Mini-Workshop.

Applications should be sent as pdf-files to the Director Prof. Gerhard Huisken, via See also our guidelines for proposals.

Tandem Option

As an option, in special cases a proposal for a Mini-Workshop can be in hybrid format, containing an additional component of online participants (not more than the number of on-site participants). This option is meant in particular for cases where high travel costs would otherwise prohibit a group of scientists from a country with weaker research infrastructure from participating in a Mini-Workshop. In this case the proposal should also contain a concept and schedule of the activities planned to be jointly with the group of online participants, taking into account any differences in time-zones. Arrangements for hosting such a non-Oberwolfach tandem component at another institute should be mentioned in the proposal, but are up to the organizers of the Mini-Workshop and have to be independent of MFO.

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Oberwolfach Seminars 2025

The seminars address to excellent and promising graduate students and post docs. The aim is to introduce the participants to a particular hot development. There will be capacity for 6 seminars in 2025, the free slots are as follows:

2524      08 Jun - 13 Jun 2025
2543      19 Oct - 24 Oct 2025
2548      23 Nov - 28 Nov 2025

The deadline for proposals of Oberwolfach Seminars in 2025 is 31 July 2024. The decision on the proposals by the Oberwolfach Scientific Committee is scheduled to the end of October 2024. See also our description of the seminar program.

Applications should be sent as pdf-files to the Vice Director Prof. Dr. Matthias Hieber, via

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Tandem Workshop at MFO and RIMS in 2025

The Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach (MFO), Germany and the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University, Japan invite proposals for a Tandem-Workshop taking place simultaneously in a hybrid format at MFO and RIMS in the week 17-21 February 2025. The workshop with 15-25 participants at RIMS and 14-16 participants at MFO (figures including organizers) is held in both locations such that the participants in each place can interact in the usual intense way locally and in addition share a certain number of joint lectures/discussions via zoom. Please see the details in the open call and send proposals before the deadline 1 September 2024.

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Further News

9th MaRDI NewsletterWatercolor style painting depicting a figure eight; below the written words: "Ceci est la data, n'est-ce pas?"

"I have no data" – a statement many mathematicians resonate with. The key article in the 9th issue of the MaRDI Newsletter tackles this and envisions a future where you can search for theorems instead of articles.

MaRDI (Mathematical Research Data Initiative) is a Germany-wide initiative to address challenges in mathematical research. It is aimed at the mathematical community to reconsider how to use – and provide –  research data by using the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles.

The Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach is part of the MaRDI consortium, coordinated by the Berlin Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS). More information can be found at

Interested readers can subscribe to the MaRDI newsletter: Math & Data Quarterly

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