Oberwolfach Seminars vol. 54 "Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamics" is published

The book written by Albert Ai, Thomas Alazard, Mihaela Ifrim, and Daniel Tataru presents the lecture notes from the corresponding Oberwolfach Seminar given in fall 2022 at the MFO.

Book coverIn order to make the Oberwolfach Seminars available to an even larger audience, the MFO supports the publication within the book series Oberwolfach Seminars, published in the Birkhäuser program of Springer Basel. We should like to express our sincere thanks for the combined efforts of the organizers to publish these lecture notes.

About the book

The volume introduces to state-of-the-art methods and results in the study of free boundary problems which are arising from compressible as well as from incompressible Euler’s equations in general. A particular set of such problems is given by gaseous stars considered in a vacuum (modeled via the compressible Euler equations) as well as water waves in their full generality (seen as recasts of incompressible irrotational Euler equations). This is a broad research area which is highly relevant to many real life problems, and in which substantial progress has been made in the last decade.
