
In 2005, the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO) has become a member of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft with a new legal structure as a non-profit corporation (gemeinnützige GmbH, Handelsregistereintragung HRB 680630, Amtsgericht Freiburg i.Br.).

Director and Staff

The Director of the MFO, who is a professor at a German university, is the head of the Institute with regard to the scientific and main administration. He is supported in his work by the Vice Director. The Director is present in Oberwolfach usually two days a week (Monday and Tuesday).

The staff of the MFO subdivides into the areas scientific management, administration management, library, IT, outreach and media, guest service, and housekeeping.

Legal Structure

As a legal corporation, the MFO gGmbH has a single associate, which is the Gesellschaft für Mathematische Forschung e.V. (Society for Mathematical Research, GMF). The GMF is a non-profit society (gemeinnütziger eingetragener Verein) and is the legal owner of the site and of the buildings of the MFO, which were generously donated to the GMF by the VolkswagenStiftung in 1988.

The statutes of the MFO and the GMF contain the follwing aims, to be achieved in an international scope:

  1. The promotion of research in mathematics (Förderung der mathematischen Forschung)
  2. The intensification of scientific collaboration (Stärkung der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit)
  3. The intensification of education and training in mathematics and related areas (Stärkung der Fortbildung in der Mathematik und ihren Grenzgebieten)
  4. The promotion of young scientists (Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses)


The Scientific Committee (wissenschaftliche Kommission, formerly: wissenschaftlicher Beirat) is an organ of the GMF and decides with the Director on the scientific programme of the MFO. This committee consists of about 20 outstanding international scientists representing all areas of mathematics as well as some neighbouring ones.

The Administrative Council (Verwaltungsrat) is an organ of the MFO and decides about the long term development and financial issues of the MFO.

The Scientific Advisory Board (wissenschaftlicher Beirat), also an organ of the MFO, evaluates the scientific work of the MFO and gives advice to the MFO and the Administrative Council.


Organigramm MFO