As a side effect of its formalization, modern deformation theory is difficult to access for the beginner. The seminar aims to give an introduction oriented towards the practical user's needs, so that the methods of deformation theory can become tools for concrete problems in complex analytic and algebraic geometry. Among other things, the following items will be treated: formal deformation theory, versal and semi-universal deformation, criteria for smoothness and unobstructedness of the base space of a versal deformation, determination of the components of the semi-universal deformation, openness of versality, moduli spaces, cotangent complexes. The theory will be presented in connection with application examples such as compact spaces, modules and singularities.
should be sent as hard copy or by e-mail (.ps or .pdf file) to:
Prof. Dr. Gert-Martin Greuel
Universität Kaiserslautern
Fachbereich Mathematik
Erwin Schrödingerstr.
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany