How does an algebraic geometer studying secant varieties further the
understanding of hypothesis tests in statistics? Why would a statistician
working on factor analysis raise open problems about determinantal
varieties? Connections of this type are at the heart of the new field of
"algebraic statistics". In this field, mathematicians and statisticians
come together to solve statistical inference problems using concepts from
algebraic geometry as well as related computational and combinatorial
The goal of this seminar is to introduce newcomers from the different camps
to algebraic statistics. The introduction will be centered around the
following three observations:
- many important statistical models correspond to algebraic or
semi-algebraic sets of parameters;
- the geometry of these parameter spaces determines the behaviour of widely used
statistical inference procedures;
- computational algebraic geometry can be used to study parameter spaces
and other features of statistical models.
There will be three one-hour lectures per day, at 9:30, 11:00 and
16:00. The last lecture of each day will lead into a working session, where the participants will discuss the lectures, work on exercises, and compute examples.
The only exception is Wednesday afternoon, which will be free for the
traditional Oberwolfach hike. On Monday evening, after dinner, there
will be an "Open Mike Session" where participants are invited to give
short presentations (5 to 10 minutes) about their own research interests.
Further evening sessions will emerge spontaneously.
The five days are organized by themes. In what follows we list the
subjects of the 14 lectures, as well as some suggested reading.
- MONDAY: Markov Bases
9:30 Mathias: "Hypothesis Tests in Contingency Tables"
11:00 Seth: "Markov bases and Polytopes of Graphical Models"
16:00 Bernd: "Computing Markov bases of Log-linear Models"
- TUESDAY: Likelihood Inference
9:30 Seth: "Likelihood Function in Discrete and Normal Models"
11:00 Bernd: "Solving the Likelihood Equations"
16:00 Mathias: "Likelihood Ratio Tests"
- WEDNESDAY: Bayesian Inference
9:30 Mathias: "Asymptotics of Bayesian Integrals"
11:00 Discussion: "What is Algebraic Statistics?"
- THURSDAY: Conditional Independence
9:30 Seth: "Conditional Independence"
11:00 Mathias: "Graphical Models"
16:00 Bernd: "The Hammersley-Clifford Theorem"
- FRIDAY: Hidden Variables
9:30 Seth: "Secant Varieties in Statistics"
11:00 Mathias: "Factor Analysis"
16:00 Bernd: "Marginal Likelihood Integrals"