After your stay

The documentation of results is an important part of Oberwolfach meetings and research stays from which both participants and the mathematical community benefit. MFO runs distinct publication series for different formats of activities. As an additional service, you will find a digital copy of the pictures taken during your stay in our Oberwolfach Photo Collection.

Workshops, Mini-Workshops, Arbeitsgemeinschaft

Every Workshop, Mini-Workshop and Arbeitsgemeinschaft is expected to produce an Oberwolfach Report comprising extended abstracts of every talk given during the meeting and an introduction by the organizers. For this purpose each meeting shall point out a reporter who collects the extended abstracts. As a speaker of a Workshop, Mini-Workshop or Arbeitsgemeinschaft, please be prepared to contribute an extended abstract of your talk within a few weeks after the meeting. As organizers please be prepared to write the introduction. To read the Oberwolfach Report of your Workshop, please navigate to the respective Workshop page.

Whereas the Oberwolfach Reports are obligatory for research meetings and Arbeitsgemeinschaften and targeted to the mathematical community, the snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach are a publication series written by volunteers who wish to present a certain aspect of their research to the general public.

Oberwolfach Seminars

In order to make the Oberwolfach Seminars available to an even larger audience, the MFO supports the publication of the lecture notes within the book series Oberwolfach Seminars, published in the Birkhäuser program of Springer Basel.

Longer-term stays

We would appreciate if Oberwolfach Research Fellow groups and Oberwolfach Leibniz Fellows publish their results in the Oberwolfach Preprint series. In any case they are asked to send a report of their stay to