eJournals at Oberwolfach
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General Information
MFO Library subscribes to more than 9,000 electronic journals, incl. German National Licences and DEAL-Licences, which are available to researchers during their stay at the Institute.
Where do I search for eJournals?
You can search or browse for ejournal titles using the eJournal Search. Search for an ejournal using the full title of the journal if you know it or by using keywords. You may also search by ISSN.
How do I access eJournals?
Once you have located an ejournal title, you will get information on what years are available for the ejournal and where the full text of the ejournal can be accessed. Sometimes there may be several links available if the ejournal title is available on more than one publisher website. Click on the appropirate link to go to the ejournal. You will then be transferred direct to the publisher. Usually, ejournals can be accessed on campus through recognition of a workstation's IP address.
How can I search for articles?
You can search for journal articles using the Library Search Portal. The eJournal Search and the Library Catalogue do not allow you to search for ejournal articles.
What if I can’t find the eJournal I want?
If we don’t have the ejournal available then we may still hold a print copy of the journal. Print journals can be located by searching the Library Catalogue.
If the journal is not held by the MFO library in electronic or print then the library staff can obtain an article for you by interlibrary loan.
eJournals with German National Licenses
The German special collection licenses are directed towards all German higher education institutions and all German research institutions financed with public funds. They are available to all members of universities and research institutions located in Germany and are accessible free-of-charge from the campus networks and the catalogues of German state and university libraries. If you are not a member of an authorised university or research institution, you may still register for free individual use of many databases and text collections at www.nationallizenzen.de.