Support of Open Access Publishing

[Last updated: 2025-03-18]

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The Oberwolfach Library supports and advises participants in the MFO longterm programs on Open Access publishing.


The MFO covers the article processing charges (APCs) for articles in open access journals and hybrid (subscription) journals to participants in the MFO longterm programs.

Which requirements must be fulfilled?

  • You must be the corresponding author of the article
  • The article results from a longterm stay at the MFO
  • You must explicitly state your primary affiliation to the MFO in the published manuscript

Read and Publish Agreements

The MFO has signed up to open access agreements with selected publishers. These institutional deals give members of the MFO (longterm researchers) a range of benefits, enabling corresponding authors from MFO to publish open access free of charge or at reduced rates in selected journals.

Most of those agreements are Read & Publish (R&P) Deals, offering open access for subscription (hybrid) journals. R&P Deals are known as transformative agreements and aim to transition towards a full open access model. Therefore they are in line with funder requirements as well as MFO's open access policy.

Overview of the agreements

American Institute of Physics (AIP): AIP Journals Read and Publish

American Physical Society (APS): APS Journals Read & Publish

Cambridge University Press (CUP): Cambridge Journals

Elsevier Journals - Projekt DEAL

IOP Publishing (IOP): IOP Journals Read and Publish

Springer Nature Journals - Projekt DEAL

Taylor & Francis: Journals - Transformative Agreement

Wiley Journals - Projekt DEAL - Publish and Read Agreement