Oberwolfach Preprints - OWP

The MFO publishes the Oberwolfach Preprints (OWP), ISSN 1864-7596, as a series which mainly contains research results related to a longer stay in Oberwolfach, as a documentation of the research work done at the MFO. In particular, this concerns the Oberwolfach Research Fellows program (and the former Research in Pairs program) and the Oberwolfach Leibniz Fellows (OWLF), but this can also include an Oberwolfach Lecture, for example.

The full copyright is left to the authors. With the submission of a manuscript, the authors warrant that they are the creators of the work, including all graphics. The authors grant the MFO a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right to publish it on the MFO’s institutional repository as well as on repositories of MFO's collaborating institutions or libraries. For the purpose of long-term archiving, the preprints are also transferred to a digital archive (currently to the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) ‒ German National Library of Science and Technology). Interested readers will be allowed to download, read, store and print the document for their own use within the limits of § 53 UrhG (German copyright law). Since the right is non-exclusive, the MFO enables parallel or later publications, e.g. on the researcher‘s personal website, in arXiv or in a scholarly journal. Whether the other journals also accept preprints or postprints can be checked, for example, via the Sherpa Romeo service.

The preprint (and a published paper) should contain an acknowledgement like: This research was supported through the program "Oberwolfach Research Fellows" (resp. "Oberwolfach Leibniz Fellows") by the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach in [year].

There are no requirements for the format of the preprint, except that the paper size (or format) should be DIN A4, "letter" or "article". A preprint can have a size from 1 - 200 pages, and the MFO will publish it in electronic and printed form.

On the front page of the hard copies, which contains the logo of the MFO, title and authors, we shall add a running number (20XX - XX). Additionally, each preprint will get a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

In case of interest, please send a pdf file of your preprint by email to owrf@mfo.de. The file should be sent to the MFO within 12 months after your stay at the MFO.

We cordially invite the researchers within the OWRF and OWLF program to make use of this offer and would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation.