Oberwolfach Leibniz Graduate Students
Beginning of 2009 the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO) is able to offer support for doctoral researchers for participation in Oberwolfach Workshops and Mini-Workshops. This program has been approved by the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft within the "Pakt für Forschung und Innovation".
The OWLG program addresses to graduate students and recent post docs (the Ph.D./Dr. degree must be received not more than 2 years ago, counted from the date of the workshop). The travel costs can be reimbursed up to an amount of 200 Euros in average.
Interested persons matching these conditions may apply by sending an email with information about
- Family name
- Given name
- Academic degree
- Address (preferably university address, otherwise private address)
- E-mail address
- Primary (and optionally secondary) classification of research area according to the International Mathematical Union (1995). Please give one or two numbers from 1-19 according to the IMU Classification List at the end.
- Title or prospective title of PhD./Dr. thesis
- Doctoral advisor
- University of award of PhD./Dr. degree (if applicable)
- Date of award of PhD/Dr degree (if applicable)
- (Optional) Year of master/diploma, title of master/diploma thesis, university and name of advisor
- Title and ID of the Oberwolfach Workshop for which the applicant applies.
to the Director of the Institute.
Data usage statement: Your data will be made accessible to the organizers of Oberwolfach Workshops looking for Oberwolfach Leibniz Graduate Students to be invited.
As the Institute wishes to increase the number of female participants, applications from female researchers are very welcome.
The final decision about participation will be made by the Director after advice by the organizers. We should like to emphasize that the number of eligible participants is limited.
IMU Classification List:
- 1 Logic
- 2 Algebra
- 3 Number Theory
- 4 Geometry
- 5 Topology
- 6 Algebraic Geometry
- 7 Lie Groups and Representations
- 8 Real and Complex Analysis
- 9 Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis
- 10 Probability and Statistics
- 11 Partial Differential Equations
- 12 Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
- 13 Mathematical Physics
- 14 Combinatorics
- 15 Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science
- 16 Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
- 17 Applications of Mathematics in the Sciences
- 18 Teaching and Popularization of Mathematics
- 19 History of Mathematics